Three Policies of the Department of Food and Nutrition (Food Science Major) (from the 2024 academic year)

Diploma Policy

The department nurtures people who can acquire advanced basic scientific and specialized knowledge of food and nutrition and contribute to society as researchers and developers of food science in cooperation with various professions. Based on an effective educational system cultivated through a long tradition, the educational objective is to provide students with the following abilities through a systematic curriculum that incorporates the latest scientific knowledge related to food.

  • DP 1. Students will acquire scientific knowledge and specialized skills through broad study of various sciences related to food and life, with a focus on food, cooking and nutrition. [University DP 1, 2]
  • DP 2. Students will be able to apply scientific knowledge and specialized skills in food, cooking and nutrition to solve food and nutrition-related problems. [University DP 1, 2]
  • DP 3. Students will be able to develop a comprehensive understanding of food from the perspectives of food, cooking and nutrition as specialists who work with multiple professions to address various issues. [University DP 1, 3]
  • DP 4. Students will be able to identify various issues related to food and nutrition in terms of daily life and society, and logically gain insight into how to address them based on correct scientific knowledge, and effectively disseminate and present information. [University DP 2, 3]
  • DP 5. Students will be able to develop a positive attitude to continue lifelong learning about the impact and effects of food and nutrition on life and society, and to strive to solve various food and nutrition-related problems. [University DP 3, 5]
  • DP 6. Students will contribute to society through the promotion of healthy eating habits and the maintenance and improvement of people's health, and have a volition to address various food and nutrition-related issues from a global perspective and with consideration of the global environment and the SDGs. [University DP 4, 5]

Curriculum Policy

Curriculum and Methodology

As necessary contents for the study of food science from the perspective of consumer, the Department of Food and Nutrition (Food Science Major) has a systematic curriculum that consists of a group of basic natural science subjects ("Basic science subjects") and specialized subjects with introductory content (basic and introductory subjects) in the first year; specialized subjects with advanced content in the second and third year; and application of specialized subjects in the fourth year through thesis research. The core specialized subjects are broadly classified into the categories of "Food science," "Cooking and processing," and "Nutritional functions.” The subjects in each of the three categories are offered in the order of lectures (explanation and understanding through classroom lecture), experiments, and practical training (practice), which enable students to confirm their understanding of theory through actual work. In addition to the above core specialized subjects, the department also offers specialized subjects in “Food development,” which covers the development, distribution and management of foods.
Active learning is conducted in all lectures, seminars, experiment and practical training subjects through the active use of the learning management system (manaba) and Teams, and students can acquire logical thinking, communication skills, and presentation skills in all subjects.

Specialty subjects in basic sciences and introductory content

The department offers developmental lectures on chemistry and biology, which are necessary for understanding specialized subjects.

Food science

As one of the core specialized subjects, the department offers lectures and practical training subjects in which students learn about the ingredients of various foods, their functionality, food fermentation, and food hygiene.

Cooking and processing

As one of the core specialized subjects, the department offers lectures and practical training subjects in which students learn advanced cooking techniques, specialized analytical skills and evaluation methods for the physical properties and taste of processed food products.

Nutritional functions

As one of the core specialized subjects, the department offers lectures and practical training subjects in which students learn about the maintenance and promotion of lifelong health through a healthy diet.

Food development

Lectures on general knowledge about food development, distribution, and management are offered. Subjects by invited lecturers who are actually involved in product development and basic research at food companies are also offered to deepen the practical learning of students.

Graduation thesis

As the culmination of four years of study, students are required to work on graduation research to learn how to address unresolved issues related to food. All students belong to a laboratory in the second semester of their third year, and they all submit their graduation theses and present their results at a presentation meeting.

In addition to specialized subjects, students can obtain a Class I teaching license for junior high and high school (home economics) by completing a teaching training course. Furthermore, students can obtain Food Specialist and Professional Food Specialist certifications by taking food specialist-related subjects. By taking the compulsory subjects in the Food Science Major, students can also obtain certification as a Food Sanitation Supervisor or Food Sanitation Inspector.

Subjects for the achievement of learning outcomes

  • DP 1. Basic science, Food science, Cooking and processing, Nutritional functions
  • DP 2. Food science, Cooking and processing, Nutritional functions, Food development, Graduation research
  • DP 3. Basic science, Food science, Cooking and processing, Nutritional functions, Food development, Practical training for interdisciplinary fields
  • DP 4. Food science, Cooking and processing, Nutritional functions, Food development
  • DP 5. Food science, Cooking and processing, Nutritional functions, Food development, Graduation research
  • DP 6. Food science, Cooking and processing, Nutritional functions, Food development

Admission Policy

The Department of Food and Nutrition (Food Science Major) is a department in which students study "food and nutrition" with a focus on the perspective of “consumer.” The department aims to cultivate scientific and logical thinking, insight, and creativity through the study of specialized knowledge about food and nutrition, and to nurture professionals who can play an active role in various food-related fields by utilizing these skills.
The department seeks the following types of students.

The types of students the department is seeking

  • Students who are interested in various food and nutrition-related issues in daily life and society, and who have a volition to learn about food in depth from a scientific perspective.
  • Students who have intellectual curiosity and inquisitiveness about food and nutrition and a volition to engage in independent study and research.
  • Students who want to contribute to local communities and international society through food development, research, entrepreneurship and education (teaching home economics) based on food and nutrition-related knowledge and skills.
  • Students who want to acquire scientific knowledge, skills, and the thinking ability to play an active role in society.

Academic skills to be mastered by the high school level

  • Basic knowledge of subjects taken in high school, especially chemistry, biology and mathematics
  • Reading comprehension in English
  • Basic ability to think logically
  • Ability to organize their own thoughts and express them in a coherent and correct manner
  • Ability to communicate and work collaboratively with others

Based on the following basic policy, an entrance examination is conducted to judge whether applicants have acquired the above academic skills.

  1. General entrance examination

    In the general entrance examination, it will be judged whether applicants have acquired basic knowledge in the subjects required for each entrance examination category, taking into account their logical thinking and expressive abilities.

    • General entrance examination (individual examination)
      In a written examination, it will be judged whether applicants have acquired basic knowledge of (i) a Foreign Language (English) and (ii) one subject from Chemistry, Biology or Mathematics, also taking into account their logical thinking ability.
    • General entrance examination (using an external English examination)
      The English external examination is used to judge whether applicants have a well-balanced and sufficient mastery of the four skills of English. In a written examination, it will also be judged whether applicants have acquired basic knowledge of Mathematics, Chemistry or Biology, also taking into account their logical thinking ability.
    • General entrance examination (1st round examination (three-subject type or four-subject type) using the Common Test for University Admissions).
      Using the results of the Common Test for University Admissions ((i) Japanese, (ii) a Foreign Language (English), (iii) Mathematics and (iv) Science), it will be judged whether applicants have acquired basic knowledge in each subject and logical thinking and expressive abilities.
    • General entrance examination (1st round examination (five-subject type) using the Common Test for University Admissions)
      Using the results of the Common Test for University Admissions ((i) Japanese, (ii) a Foreign Language (English) , (iii) Mathematics and(iv)TWO subjects from Science, it will be judged whether applicants have acquired basic knowledge in each subject and logical thinking and expressive abilities.
  2. Comprehensive entrance examination

    In the first round of the entrance examination, the applicant's efforts at high school, etc. Will be reviewed by using the application form to comprehensively judge the applicant's basic knowledge and skills, initiative and cooperative attitude that the applicant should have acquired by the end of high school, etc. Their independence and logical thinking and expressive abilities will be judged through a task common to all departments. In the second round, applicants will be evaluated on their basic knowledge related to a topic in an essay, communication skills as well as the ability to participate in discussions with others. Through the above review and examination, a comprehensive judgment will be made.

  3. Entrance examination by recommendation

    Applicants recommended by the principal of a high school, etc. will be judged to have the basic academic skills that should have been acquired by the end of high school. In addition, through the review of application documents and an interview (oral examination), applicants' motivation for study and research, ability to express themselves, communication skills, and cooperativeness will be comprehensively judged.

    • Entrance examination by recommendation (from Senior High School affiliated with JWU)
      Applicants recommended by the principal of the Senior High School affiliated with JWU will be comprehensively judged based on the application documents and interview.
    • Entrance examination by recommendation (from designated schools/partner schools)
      Applicants recommended by the principal of the high school designated by the department (designated school/partner school) will be comprehensively judged based on the application documents and oral examination.
    • Entrance examination by recommendation (general recommendation)
      With regard to applicants recommended by the principal of a high school, their abilities to think logically, make judgements and express themselves, attitude to learn actively and collaboratively with diverse people, as well as basic knowledge related to a topic in an essay will be judged through the application documents and oral examination. The submitted materials will also be reviewed to make a comprehensive judgment.
  4. International students

    Applicants will be judged on whether they have sufficient basic academic skills through the examination of three subjects (“Japan as a Foreign Language,” “Biology (Science)” and “Physics (Science)”) of Examination for Japanese University Admission (EJU). The application documents and oral examination will be used to judge their volition to study, initiative, Japanese language ability, ability to communicate and cooperate with others, and basic knowledge of English and food and nutrition.

  5. Transfer and bachelor's admission

    For those who have graduated from universities, junior colleges, and technical colleges (including prospective graduates), and those who are currently enrolled in other universities, a written examination on food science, cookery science and nutrition will be conducted to judge whether they have specialized knowledge equivalent to the second or third year of university study. Through application documents and an oral examination, applicants will be judged comprehensively based on their volition to study, initiative, ability to communicate and cooperate with others, and sufficient knowledge of English, chemistry and biology.

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